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Do german boys like Chinese girls? I need your advices... thanks...:)

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Hi everyone,

I'm a Chinese girl and live in Singapore now. I have some German friends; they are very friendly and nice. I like them very much. So, I want to go to Germany after finishing my PhD, but before I making the decision, I have some doubts to ask. I hope you guys can give me some suggestions. Thank you in advance.... ^_^
1. Does German boy really like Chinese girls? Do they care about the age (30-33years old) and height (1.63m) of girls when they considering marriage? because for our Chinese girls, most of us only get this height. :) but german people are very tall (even sometimes I feel painful on my neck when I talk to my German friends for a long time)... And the age is because of the education.
2. Is it difficult to get a postdoctoral position in the German university?
3. Do I have to learn to speak German if I marry a German boy?
(Because I want to make a placid home in my future family, and communicate with my future parents-in-law frequently, do parents in Germany mind to speak English?)

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  • Pedro Cassar

    پست شده توسط  در آلمان فروم 

    In Gemany ....... I think that is going to be a bit cold for you......
    Why not try a place like Malta, everyone speaks English, Men do like Asian girls and are very friendly and Romantic..
    and the weather is great....

    Pierre ( Pedro :-)

  • پست شده توسط کاربر حذف شده در آلمان فروم 

    Hi Marcel,

    Thank you so much for your advices... :)......It's very useful....^_^
    BTW, Are they very open like american boys nowadays?

    zhong lian ni

  • Marcel x برو به پروفایل

    پست شده توسط  در آلمان فروم 


    yes some German man like Chinese woman :-)) depends on your charme. In Germany marriage today is done in the age of 30 to 40 years. Relationships are liberal, marriage is harder. register at German dating sites like, or

    There you can meet man from this country, learn some German and more

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