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how about egypt

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any one like to travel to egypt

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  • geo alexandru

    publicēja  - Vietas Dienvidkoreja forums 

    i like to go this somer...u like to cam with?

  • publicēja  Dzēsts lietotājs - Vietas Dienvidkoreja forums 

    외국어를 배울 때 읽기. 쓰기.듣기.말하기는 모두 아주 중요해요
    الكتابة والقراءة والكلام والسمع جميعها مهمة جدا عندما نتعلم اللغة الاجنبية
    when we learn a foreign language reading writing listening and speaking are all very important....

  • md Rohan

    publicēja  - Vietas Dienvidkoreja forums 

    like travel but heve`t time.

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