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Concerning Study and Stay- Business

โพสต์ใน ห้องสนทนา บราซิล

Hi, I'm eagerly waiting for responses concerning study opportunities- regular and language courses in Brazil, even more I'm seeking discussion regarding business opportunities in Brazil.


  • Mamun-ar- Rushid

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา บราซิล 

    Thanks, please give me an ideal regarding financial cost for starting a business- like as rent a shop then decoration and other necessaries to initially start a business with a rental accommodation place, say in USD, what's the current valuation of your currency between USD.

    You didn't said anything concerning my previous other quires.

  • Mamun-ar- Rushid

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา บราซิล 

    Brother, sincerely thanking you for reply to me, would you able to inform me any other items like as crops, agricultural products, crafts as well as a list of exporting items from Brazil.

    On the other hand what types of products are you importing, from Bangladesh I can export clothing mainly knitting, fashionable garments, jute products as well.

    Concerning visit for business purposes what will be the procedures and how would you support me, please say in detail at [...] .

    However, I want to take a language course of Portuguese, so say me what would be the procedure to get admission in Brazil for foreigners.

